Friday 22 March 2013

Marquis des Beys 2009 - Domaine des Tourelles

Tourelles, a Marquis, Pierre-Louis Brun... The Domaine des Tourelles clearly claims its French heritage: Cocorico in the land of the cedars!
One hundred and fifty years of winemaking in the Beqaa could lead us into believing that that wine estate is aging. But with Fawzi Issa and Emile Issa El Khoury who are directing it today, a dynamic and youthful wind is blowing over the Beqaa valley. They offer us wines that are rooted in their terroir, combining the elegance of oriental wines and the freshness of Lebanese crus.
Taste the spices, red berries, liquorice and subtle wood notes...roundness and delight.

The Marquis des Beys 2009 tells the story of Lebanon: that is exactly what nobility is. — with Domaine des Tourelles.

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